Sunday, July 26, 2009

WHA Agenda on PPP's continues

Here is a loong post on the WHA site, furthering the Anti-PPP movement.

For the sake of clarity, I am not a PPP proponent, just a home schooling mom who wants ALL the information, not some filtered point of view, without the opposing side being fairly presented.

Something else they are not clarifying, this post is by someone who provides private christian doctrine education support to home schoolers. This poster's business is at stake since PPP's will not pay for faith based education materials.

Re: DVD presentation on the dangers of PPPs - Ferndale showing

> If you desire to make an informed decision about the educational options
> available to you, you must see this DVD. Also, even if you are not
> considering participating in a PPP, staying informed is one of the most
> important things each one of us can do to protect our freedom to homeschool.

I want to re-emphasize Gary's point about protecting our freedom to homeschool.

I've found that homeschooling families are parented by folks who LOVE being with
their kids, LOVE being and acting as families. They take the time to get to
know their kids, hang out with their kids, their family behavior spills into
their neighborhoods with their interaction with the folks around them, they make
other kids jealous with the amount of attention and time that homeschooled kids
get from their parents. They are not perfect families, but they love being

When my kids were part of public schools the invasiveness of their schedule,
useless homework, and demands to be part of this club and that sport really put
a toll on them and the family. I worked hard to teach them how to choose and to
understand the consequences of their choices, and I regret the amount we used
public schools. My husband is from the "They have to be socialized" camp, and
all I could do was compromise.

We've got it really good in WA, so far, for those of you who want to be in
control of your child's education, but the potential for invasion into
homeschooling has really ramped up with the PPP's.

I have long watched the charter/voucher school efforts in many states via the
Center for Educational Reform's reports, and what started out as good efforts to
provide a strong alternative for those who NEED a 5-day per week setting for
their kids has been nibbled away by the educationists who believe they know
better than the parent. Charter/ voucher schools have been hampered, funded at
unequal levels even though they were entitled to the same funds, come under
greater regulation than their regular public school counterparts, been denied
buildings, or simply closed because a local school board became too busy or
unwilling to supervise their administration.

If it can happen to a classroom setting, you must believe it can happen to
homeschoolers. The very existence of PPP's puts all homeschooling at risk. All
it takes is ONE regulation that applies not only to PPP students but to all
homeschoolers as well. It could be something as simple as not allowing any
student into Running Start or a publicly-funded university who has not proven
his/her ability to perform in a classroom setting.

This attack would not be coming from mythical folks who hate families, but from
school districts who have been depending on funds received for PPP-enrolled
students to balance their books. (Never mind that many graduates from public
high schools have yet to prove their ability to perform in a classroom setting.
We see them at the community college all the time.) Such a regulation would
force homeschoolers who want to apply to a state U to enroll in a high school
class or PPP.

Go see the video.

Again, the only way I would see this video is if there is someone who is PRO PPP there to debate the issues brought up in this film. Otherwise, this is purely dissemination of propaganda, and WHA is telling me what is best for my kids. Ummm, the pot calling the kettle black anyone????

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